
Posts Tagged ‘life lessons’

My best friend and I took an 8.5 hour road trip to North Carolina last weekend and the Holy Spirit used the experience to remind me how some common events on the road can be lessons in our relationship with God:

Wrong Turns– I remember in the early days of the GPS when a wrong turn was taken and I would hear the GPS say, “re-calculating.” There are times in life when we take a wrong turn and need to re-calculate. Those wrong turns take us away from where God wants us to be and we need to pause in prayer and figure out how to get back to where God wants us. The lesson: Wrong turns are inevitable. We need to know how to re-calculate and get back on God’s path.

Speeding– I have to admit that out on the open road, I will speed. I realized though, that when I go speeding past everything, I miss seeing the beauty that is around me. It is the same way in life. When we speed through life, we miss the beauty of building relationships, seeing the goodness of God in the world, and growing roots right where God has placed us. The person who speeds through life will not grow roots. They will not have strong, intimate relationships. They will not build that community with other believers. They will end up alone. The lesson: We need to learn how to slow down and enjoy the blessings and the beauty that surrounds us. There is so much goodness in this world, but in order to see what God wants us to see, we need to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.

Roadblocks– Roadblocks are part of a road trip. We will come across accidents, speed traps, construction work and other inconveniences that will slow us down or make us stop altogether. There are times in life when we will come to a roadblock or obstacle that may slow us down or stop us altogether. Sometimes that roadblock may be from God for our own good or they could be from the enemy to keep us from fulfilling God’s will for our lives. Roadblocks can be physical or they can be feelings, such as, fear. Prayer is the only way to handle a roadblock. Praying boldly and trusting God to help us in our time of need. The lesson: Instead of whining or complaining when we encounter a roadblock, we need to use the time to kneel in prayer and stand strong in faith, trusting that God will work all things out for those who love Him.

Road Signs– Road signs tell us important information. They tell us the speed limit. They tell us where gas stations and restaurants are located. They tell us where tourist attractions are located. They tell us when construction workers are present. They tell us when our turn or highway is coming up and they give direction. Road signs are important on a road trip and they are equally important in our life. Our body tells us when we are getting sick. We may see road signs when our job is coming to an end or we are in need of a change. The Bible can be considered God’s road sign to us. When we read it, we read God’s warnings of living in sin and we can read of His promises when we live according to His will. The lesson: We need to pay attention to the signs around us that give us information. We need to read and meditate on the Bible in order for us to understand God’s road signs that guide us in our lives.

Exhaustion– Exhaustion on the road can lead to accidents and even death. We should not drive if we are too tired to function properly. God wants us to rest. We will not be able to function properly in our lives if we are exhausted. If we keep going we will make ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally sick. Any of those can lead to death. We need to rest in order to continue to stay healthy and serve others according to God’s will. We can not effectively do God’s will if we are too tired. The lesson: Rest! God rested on the seventh day after He created the earth and everything in it. Schedule time every day to rest in some fashion. Schedule time away every couple of months to recharge your batteries.

Sharing The Road– Sharing the road is part of going on a road trip. More than likely there will be other drivers on the road with you. How will you act towards them? If another driver cuts you off, will you graciously give them space or will you angrily flip them the bird? Do you give semi’s room to get in front of you or do you speed up so that they don’t have the room to get over? How you share the road is an indication of how you share your life. God wants us to be gracious, to show mercy and love. We are to be compassionate and make sacrifices if needed. The lesson: We will always have other people in our lives. God wants us to treat others with love. Jesus said to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love each other. this is the #1 commandment!

The Big Picture– I sometimes get frustrated with the GPS because it only gives one step at a time. It won’t show the big picture. I often like to see the big picture when I am going somewhere to make sure that I am on the right road. It’s that way in life too. God will often only give me one step at a time, knowing that seeing the big picture would most likely overwhelm me and send me running. I am learning to trust in only getting one step at a time. When God puts a task in front of me, I obediently do it and then He gives me another task and soon I see where He is taking me. The lesson: Be content with taking one step at a time. Seeing the big picture can be overwhelming and may cause you to stop in your tracks.

I love how God can use every experience to teach us important life lessons. Even a road trip can be used to teach us how to live a more fulfilled Christian life. If we open our hearts and our eyes, we will see the lessons of God at every turn. I will call it living discipleship. I will call it the Holy Spirit. 

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